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One of the advantages of using digital

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 11:44 am
by mamun0404
A resources for learning , whether in face-to-face or remote, synchronous or asynchronous classes, is that students' smart devices go from being a distractor to being a tool that works at the service of teaching. The list of tools to create digital teaching materials that we will review today is designed for higher education teachers who do not necessarily have extensive knowledge of programming, editing or instructional design.

So they are very intuitive and easy-to-use platforms. Tips for creating quality educational digital resources Tips-for-creating-quality-educational-digital-resources Re Singapore Phone Number ardless of the format you choose for your educational digital resources , they all have in common the fact that you have some level of control in creating or editing the content.


To increase the efficiency of the materials you generate and the creation process itself, follow these tips: - Learn some basic design principles You don't need to become an expert in graphic design, but familiarizing yourself with some key concepts such as Gestalt graphic theory , as well as the mechanisms behind color, contrast and composition theory, will help you create more professional and educational learning resources. Above all, more friendly for your students. For example, you will know roughly what font, color, size and text length is best to apply to an image so that the student's cognitive and sensory resources are not saturated.