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Definition and study of the buyer person

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2022 10:29 am
by Bappy
1. Definition and study of the buyer person Within a content strategy, the most important thing is not the Content Manager or any other member of human talent. Neither are the financial and technological resources nor the quality of the brand's products or services. And it is that modern Marketing, specifically within the digital world, establishes that the focus of any campaign is the buyer person. A Content manager has to lead the study and analysis tasks necessary to build this semi-fictitious profile of the ideal client, which includes aspects such as: Gender; Age; Purchasing power; Training level; Performance area; Dolores; Needs; Preferences; Objectives; Consuming patterns.

Taking all these elements into account, the team in charge of content production will really be able to create and distribute articles, infographics, ebooks and other materials that are of value and manage to attract the potential client and move them through the sales process. In addition, these professionals must constantly study the buyer person, to delve into their way of phone database interacting with digital platforms and the way they obtain information. 2. Content plan design Together with other specialists and team members, the Content Manager creates a master guide that encompasses all the actions that are part of the strategy, known as the content plan.


In addition to contemplating the contents, the buyer person, the publication dates and those responsible, this plan includes the objectives, possible difficulties and resources. Of course, it must be governed by a realistic budget consistent with the financial capacity of the organization. 3. Content quality analysis A good Content Marketing team has many specialists in addition to the Content Manager , such as content analysts and the Customer Success Manager. Even the large companies that specialize in this area boast extensive and skilled networks of freelance planners, editors, and reviewers, who play a fundamental role in the production of texts and materials. However, a Content Manager cannot completely separate himself from aspects as essential as the quality of the content . Although you have an excellent team of professionals at your side, you also have to worry about regularly evaluating the effectiveness of the materials and their scope.